Mrs. Briley's Math Class

Course Description


October 24, 2018

We will continue working on multidigit multiplication this week. Please check out your child's interactive notebook to see what we've been doing.
I will also continue to incorporate word problems throughout each unit.
Please be sure that your child completes their Freckle assignments independently. Checking over worksheets before they are returned to school is very beneficial as well.
I will be absent tomorrow so everyone enjoy a great weekend!!

Last week was our assessment of Adding and Subtracting Decimals as well as model drawing to solve word problems. Everyone did great! We are going to reviewing multiplying multidigit by multidigt numbers. We are using the partial products model because it helps to nurture an understanding of what we are doing when using the traditional algorithm. 
Have a great weekend!

Marvelous Math

This week we concluded our chapter on Adding and Subtracting decimals. Your  students are rockstars!! Monday we will review and we will have a test on Tuesday. I expect everyone to do VERY well! If you are ever unsure as to what we are working on, please check out your child's interactive notebook. I try to continually encourage them to use them. They are a great resource and the children have worked very hard on them.
Have a great weekend!

This week we completely working on rounding decimals and began to learn about the Powers of 10. We made superhero capes and will learn more this week about how 10 has the power to move the decimal. Everyone is doing great! We will have a test on Friday. Each student will work on a study guide this week and will bring it home on Thursday to use as a review.
Have a great week!

Rounding Decimals

Our math class is moving quickly. The students are completely engaged and are constantly asking for a challenge. I LOVE IT! This week we revisited ordering and moved on to rounding. Here's a video (a little corny) but I thought they may like it:
We will continue rounding and move on to Powers of 10 this week. This is a vital concept so I will make sure we are all solid in our understanding of this concept before we move on.
I did want to mention that I see some weaknesses on a daily basis when it comes to math fact. A weakness in this area can really trip everyone up as we continue to move into more advanced math concepts. Also, please throw out a multidigit multiplication problem and long division problem every now again. It keeps us fresh. Have a great Sunday!!

Happy Labor Day weekend!
We had a great week in math. Nic won our "I Am the Greatest!" tournament by gaining the most points over several rounds of comparing decimals. This week we not only practiced comparing decimals, but also ordering them. Next week we will work on rounding and then we'll be on to the "Power of 10". We played a fun game and I promised our class I would send the link.
Thank you for overseeing your child's organization and time management by completing written homework and Freckle homework on time.
Remember to allow your child to be 100% independent with Freckle. This gives me an accurate measure of their areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Mrs. Briley

Welcome to Math!

This week we had our first math quiz. It included the place value concepts of place, value, standard and expanded form. Did you know that zero can be a Hero or a Ghost? Ask your child to explain this to you. This coming week we will begin comparing and ordering decimal numbers.

Freckle seems to be going well. Remember to check agendas for homework each night. Please let me know if you ever have any questions, I am here to help!