GA Goal Private School Tax Credit


ga goal


Here is how you can redirect the tax dollars you already pay to the state of Georgia to provide financial aid scholarships for students at GRACEPOINT!




GA Residents

85 second video explanation for Individuals 

GA Business Owners

75 second video explanation for CPAs and Business Owners


Your participation in GOAL allows GRACEPOINT to admit and continue to serve deserving students. In the chart below, you can see the annual impact of GOAL on our school family.

GOAL Limits


Apply Now!  - Complete the 2025 GOAL Tax Credit Application beginning June 3, 2024. - takes just 20 seconds!

GOAL Submits applications to the GA Department of Revenue (DOR) - On the first business day of January 2025

Approval - GOAL and the DOR notify you of approval (and your official approved amount) in January/February 2025

Make Payment - Pay GOAL by check or credit card within 60 days of your DOR approval (March 2025)

Take the Credit - In May, GOAL will send a tax receipt for claiming the GOAL credit on your 2025 Georgia income tax return 

Please contact Liz Powell with any questions. 

Read here as a GRACEPOINT parents shares their appreciation for the GA Goal Scholarship fund.

"My husband and I knew our daughter needed what GRACEPOINT offered, but we had no idea how we could make it happen financially. Our prayer was that if it was God’s plan for her to be there that he would open doors and provide a way. Georgia GOAL was a huge part of the answer and we are so thankful. GRACEPOINT has been life changing in our daughter’s education journey.”



"My daughter spent the first part of second grade crying every morning when she had to go to school. She had always loved school but now she had fallen too far behind. During this time, we discovered she has Dyslexia and in turn, we heard about GRACEPOINT. We had never planned on private school.  But through the process, we learned she needed GRACEPOINT, a private school with private school tuition. I was just a public school teacher and our family did not know how God was going to make a way, but we knew He would. The Georgia GOAL scholarship for our family was an answer to prayer. The Georgia GOAL scholarship is the ONLY way our daughter could attend GRACEPOINT. It was the way God showed us we were on the right path, His path and plan for her.   GRACEPOINT is the school environment she needed to thrive! She loves school again and I am so thankful.  She is reading more than I ever imagined and is so confident. GRACEPOINT has been life-changing for my daughter and our family, and it was all made possible because of people who participated in Georgia GOAL."