Mrs. Guice Music

Course Description


October 29 Week

Reading- -ng and nk final sound. Work with magnets, elkonin board. Don't
forget to read passage sent home as well as review red words. Red Word assessment this week. 
Math- Area Model of Multiplication. Don't forget to check Freckle Math for assigned homework. 
Music- Begin working on Thanksgiving Songs! 

October 22 Week

Reading-Closed syllable Review, tch, and dge spelling rules
Don't forget those Cheers!
"One syllable, One short vowel, ends in /j/ it's a dge!"
"One syllable, One short vowel, ends in /ch/, it's a tch!"
"Vowel closed up on the end and it's short!"
Math- Word Problems Continue. Check out the Interactive Notebooks for 8 step in solving a word problem. Begin Multiplications strategies. We will begin with Area Model.
Music- Grandparent's Day is this week! Let's get ready! I know you will shine for Him!

October 15 Week

Reading- Reviewing Magic E words
Don't forget to keep reading your passages each evening and reviewing your red words! 
Math- Adding and Subtracting Decimals-Working with Word Problems too! Don't forget to line up the decimals and whole numbers! 
Music- Improvising with Music (Jazz)
Tempo in Music, Rhythmic Patterns in a measure of 4/4
Quarter Notes and Eighth Notes
Recorder Fun with 3rd and 4th Graders
Instruments in China-Learning a little Madarin
Preparing for Grandparent's Day!

October 8

Lots of learning, movement, and fun in music this week!
*1st and 2nd Rhythm Patterns 
*Ostinato (repeated patterns in music)
*Tempo (fast and slow)
*Exploring percussion instruments
*Instruments from around the World
*Recorders with 3rd and 4th
*Singing in Rounds
* 5th Grade Completed their "Music Effects Film" Project! Can't wait to share!
*Preparing for Grandparent's Day!