Math: Grade 3

Course Description



This week in class...
-Ongoing review of multiplication, division, fractions, polygons
-Capacity: standard and metric (milliliters, liters)
-Units of weight measurement (grams, kilograms)


This week in class...
-Review of multiplication, division, and fractions (adding fractions with like denominators)
-Word problems (area and perimeter review) 
-Continue: Polygons: any flat shape with closed straight lines and Quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram)
-Activity with Twizzlers to understand terms: parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, right angles, acute, obtuse


This week in class...
-Ongoing review of multiplication, division, and fractions (comparing and adding fractions with common denominators)
-Polygons: any flat shape with closed straight lines 
-Identifying quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram) 


This week...
-Review fractions
-Multiplication/Division "harder to learn facts" ongoing 
-Word Problems
-Measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch

This week in class...
-Fractions continued... more on improper fractions, mixed numbers, equivalent fractions, adding fractions with the same denominator, and comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators
-Multiplication/Division: Review all and focus on hard to learn facts (4x7, 4x8, 7x6, 7x8)
-Word problems: fractions, multiplication/division


The next few weeks in class...
-Fractions continued... focus on improper fractions, mixed numbers, equivalent fractions, adding fractions with the same denominator, and comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators
-Multiplication with Squares: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9, 10x10
-Word problems using multiplication & division

Thank you, parents!
Martha Barfield


This week in class...
-Fractions continued... focus on number line fractions, proper & improper fractions
-Multiply/Divide by 6 continued
-Squares: 2x2, 3x3,...
-Word problems using multiplication & division
-Ongoing: (Area--number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape; Area of a rectangle is Length times Width) and (Perimeter--distance around; Add all the sides)
Thank you,
Martha Barfield


This week in class...
-Fractions: numerator/denominator; unit fractions, number line fractions
-Divisibility rules for 6
-Multiply/Divide by 6
-Ongoing: (Area--number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape; Area of a rectangle is Length times Width) and (Perimeter--distance around; Add all the sides)
-Ongoing: Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity, zero (identify/apply)

Thank you,
Martha Barfield


This week in class...
-Introduction to Fractions: numerator/denominator; unit fractions
-Divisibility rules for 4
-Multiply/Divide by 4
-Ongoing Centers: (Area--number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape; Area of a rectangle is Length times Width)  and (Perimeter--distance around; Add all the sides)
-Ongoing: Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity, zero (identify/apply)
This week's homework is for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Due on Thursday.  (Early dismissal is at noon on Friday.)  Students are to complete one column for each day and may ask questions each day about any part of their daily homework.
Each student will make flashcards for 4x's to take home to study. 
Next week, we will continue with fractions and multiplication/division.
Have a Wonderful Winter Break!
Martha Barfield

[email protected]  


This week in class...
-Divisibility rules for 3
-Multiply/Divide by 3
-More 2 step word problems with all operations
-Continue--Area (number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape) Area of a rectangle is Length times Width -- and Perimeter (distance around)
-Ongoing: Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity (identify/apply)
This week, homework is for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, (due Friday). Students are to complete one column for each day and may ask questions each day about any part of their daily homework. 
Each student will make flashcards for 3x's to take home to study. 
The homework and flashcards will provide work in case we have a "snow day," which is a chance on Tuesday. I will also send an extra review sheet if needed for Wednesday.

Many thanks!
Martha Barfield


This week in class...
-Continue building fluency with - Multiplying/Dividing by 9 
-Divisibility rules for 9
-More 2 step word problems with all operations
-Continue--Area (number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape) Area of a rectangle is Length times Width -- and Perimeter (distance around)
-Multiplying 3 numbers in a series 3 x (2 x 5)
-Ongoing: Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity/apply
This week, homework is for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (due Friday). Students are to complete one column for each day. Students may ask questions each day about any part of their daily homework. 
Thank you Parents!
Martha Barfield


This week in class...
-Multiplying/Dividing by 9
-Divisibility rules for 9
-Area word problems with multiples of 2, 5, and 10, and 9
-2 step word problems with all operations
-Continue--Area (number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape) Area of a rectangle is Length times Width. 
-Multiplying 3 numbers in a series  3 x (2 x 5) 
-Ongoing: Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity
Homework is given on Monday.  Students are to complete one column for each day. It is due on Friday.  Students may ask questions each day about any part of their daily homework.  
Much appreciation to our wonderful parents!
Martha Barfield


This week in class...
-Review/assess multiplying and dividing by 1,2,5,10
-Area word problems with multiples of 2, 5, and 10
-2 step word problems
-Continue--Area (number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape) Area of a rectangle is Length times Width. Students will find the area of 2 rectangles joined together.
-Multiplying times multi-digit numbers
-Review/Center activity with Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity
Have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Martha Barfield
[email protected]


All of the students are progressing well in learning both the concept of multiplication and division and their basic facts. 
The next 2 weeks of class...
-Review/assess multiplying and dividing by 5
-Area word problems  with multiples of 5
-Multiply/divide and divisibility rules for 10 (Woodin Math activities)
-Review vocabulary: Divisibility, multiple, factors, product
-Fact families for Multiplication/Division
-Continue--Area (number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape) Area of a rectangle is Length times Width. Students will find the area of 2 rectangles joined together.
-Multiplying times multi-digit numbers
-Properties of multiplication: commutative, associative, distributive, identity

Classwork will include computation practice in addition, subtraction, multiply/divide by 0, 1 2, 5, 10 -- and word problems with all operations.
Have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our savior!


The next 2 weeks of class...
-Continue -Multiply/divide and divisibility rules for 2 (Woodin Math activities)
-Review vocabulary: Divisibility, multiple, factors, product
-Fact families for Multiplication/Division 
-Understanding Area (number of square units needed to cover the surface of a shape) Area of a rectangle is Length times Width.  (Activities using manipulatives and grids) 
-Introduce Multiply/Divide by 5 
After Thanksgiving break, our focus will stay on Multiplication and Division. We will continue activities with multiplying/dividing by 5, then move on to 10's.
Classwork will include computation practice in addition and subtraction -- and word problems with all operations.  
I am so Thankful for all the students and their wonderful families!
Martha Barfield