Mrs. Briley's Math Class

Course Description


May 13, 2019

This week we will continue learning about coordinate planes. We have covered ordered pairs, origin, and he x and y axis. The students can plot a point given an ordered pair, and can determine an ordered pair from a plot point. This week we will work on function tables and establishing the rules in a set of ordered pairs. My hope is to assess on Friday.
Happy Mother's Day!!

May 5, 2019

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! I apologize that I have gotten way behind on my blog!! We have been conquering many skills in math. We have now covered all operations for fractions and decimals, which also included a lot of word problems. (These were challenging!) We have now started a short unit on Geometry. We have been looking at and identifying the attributes of many 2D shapes, along with classifying and sorting those. We will spend a little more time in this unit and will then end the year with a unit on Coordinate Planes.
We will have MAP testing on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Happy Sunday!
Last week we focused on looking at a fraction as a division problem.
The standard is written as:
MGSE.5.NF.3 Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b = a ÷ b). Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Example: 3 5 can be interpreted as “3 divided by 5 and as 3 shared by 5”.
This was challenging and I wanted to make sure everyone's understanding was clear by doing a lot of hands-on work and practice problems. We will continue to spiral through this concept as we move on.
This week we will begin multiplying fractions. This will include a fraction by a whole number, a fraction by a fraction, and a fraction by a mixed number. 
I anticipate this to go very well and that we will be able to have a quiz on Friday so that we can move forward to division of fractions after the break. Don't forget 
On Monday, we will have our assessment for Adding and Subtracting fractions. A study guide is coming home today. It will provide a very thorough review. On Tuesday we will begin multiplying fractions. We will dive into some important terms and then begin multiplying a fraction by a whole number (baby steps). 
Please continue to have your student continue to practice math facts. BUILD THOSE MATH MUSCLES!
Start with a healthy snack.
Always do homework in the same place at home.
Pick a quiet spot.
Don't begin homework until you have taken out your agenda.
Check assignments off as you go.
Ask for help.
Have an adult check your work.
Pack it up in your book bag so it is ready to go in the morning. 

March 1st

Wow! This week I was amazed at how quickly everyone caught on to some new concepts and how much information we covered. I did a quick assessment on Friday to see if everyone was understanding all of the new content and to make sure I wasn't moving too quickly. They all scored at the 90th percentile so on we go! This coming week we will work on fraction word problems and how to add and subtract mixed numbers. If we stay on track, we are scheduled to take the test on Friday. Please have your student show you what we have been working on in their interactive notebook and have them review the information each night. As usual...I so enjoy my little rock stars!!

This week we began a review of adding and subtracting fractions. We answered questions like: What is a fraction? What is a numerator/denominator/fraction bar? What are the types of addition and subtraction equations? What do we do if the denominators in the fractions we are adding or subtraction are different?
This week we will dive into Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factors. These concepts need to be solid before we can move forward into multiplying and dividing fractions. All of this info can be found in the Interactive Notebooks. 
Please be sure to hold your student accountable for completing homework each night and showing you their work once they are finished. 
I'd like to also extend a warm welcome to Tristan who will be joining our group for the rest of this year!!

Decimals come to an End

This week we will have an assessment on dividing decimals as well as solving word problems involving decimals. We will not begin a new skill before the break. SPOILER ALERT: We will begin operations with fractions after the break. Everyone is doing great. Don't forget how important it is to constantly encourage reviewing multiplication facts. Also, it would be helpful for your student if you  present any word problem that involves math and have them tell you the operations that must be performed to solve it. The math part is easy but knowing WHAT to do can at times be a challenge.

This week we will begin dividing decimals. As we add different operations when using decimals, equations can get confusing. We will do a quick spiral review each day adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals. As usual, the interactive notebook will be our best friend. 
We will continue to work on word problems with a focus on isolating what operations need to be used to solve the problem.

Decimals, decimals, decimals

We will conclude multiplying with decimals this week. I was planning on assessing on Wednesday but with the snow day tomorrow and the unknown of Wednesday, our test will be Thursday at the earliest. Tonight we are focusing on word problems. Please check over your child's work with them. Thanks so much!

Well Done!

Today we had our test on the Order of Operations. I must say "Well Done!" Everyone did a great job and so on Tuesday we will begin multiplying and dividing decimals. Again, the interactive notebooks are key for review and understanding. (They are a great help to parents as well.)
Have a great long weekend!!

This week we reviewed long division and multiplying/dividing by powers of 10. We did a quick review of exponents so that we could begin Order of Operations on Thursday. The attached picture shows a mnemonic that makes memorizing the order much easier. We are also practicing a rap that will help us remember. 
This week we will apply what we know to math problems. Homework will reinforce this skill as well.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!

Counting Down to Christmas!

This week we concluded our unit on multi-digit long division and model drawing. We took the unit test on Friday and everyone did very well.
We will not begin new material this week but we are going to be working on a project that will incorporate many previously taught math skills. All of this will be done in class. It revolves around a movie theater and should be a lot of fun. It will require not only math but some creativity as well. 
Enjoy your Christmas break and I will see everyone in 2019. 

December 10, 2018

Hi everyone!
On Monday and Tuesday we will review both division algorithms and take a look at drawing models to represent division problems. We will work on word problems as well. Our test on this unit will be on Wednesday.
Don't forget to check your child's agenda each night to make sure they have completed their math homework. Reinforcement of skills taught in class is vital. 
15 days til Christmas!!


This week we are moving into a review of 2 digit divisors. All of my math students should be able to define: divisor, dividend, quotient. We will learn the traditional algorithm and the partial quotient algorithm. Then, everyone can pick and use the one that works best for them. These concepts will all be covered and placed into the Interactive Notebooks. I will be incorporating a wide range of word problems as we work on these skills as well.
See everyone tomorrow!!

November 15, 2018

Everyone did very well on the Multiplication test yesterday. It covered 3 digit x 2 digit multiplication and model drawing. We are also exploring Sudoku puzzles today and tomorrow. The kids love them but they are a huge challenge.
After the break we will begin learning the Divisibility Rules. Please continue to practice the basic multiplication facts on a daily basis. This really helps as we continue to dive deeper into math concepts.
Friday is the Fall Festival. Looking forward to see you there!!